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St. Patrick School Wellness Policy Highlights and Procedures


1. Students will no longer be kept in for recess as a consequence for inappropriate behavior or to complete their work, unless authorized by the principal.  Teachers will hand out their discipline policy at Parent Orientation night to review other options.

2. The practice of using food as a reward for behavior, class incentives and other items such as fundraisers has been discontinued.  This includes candy.

3. When celebrating birthdays, a healthy snack must be sent.  Please refer to suggestions on the healthy snack list on the back of this handout. 

4. Fast food meals are no longer allowed in the cafeteria.  If you are joining your child for lunch, please either buy lunch in the cafeteria or bring lunch from home.  Another option is to take your child out for lunch.

5. Soft drinks of any kind are not allowed in the building for students.  This would include bringing a lunch from home.  Please encourage milk, water, or 100% fruit juice for lunch and snacks.

6. Snack time will only occur for Kindergarten-3rd grade.  Please send a healthy snack.

**  Exceptions-  The policy does give us some leeway regarding once a month parties (holidays and special occasions).  Remember, although this sounds like a huge change, we are encouraging healthy physical and eating habits for our children.

Each month I will upload the snack calendar Below you can find the attached calendar. On your child's snack day send in 20 snacks that are separated and ready to distribute Please do not send in drinks unless it is your child's birthday.




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